Holographic Wills, Pre-Nuptial Agreements and The New Family Code


Congratulations! As a woman in business, whether a corporate executive or an entrepreneur, you’ve worked hard to build your business and fortune, but have you given enough attention to learn your rights under the New Family Code and protect yourself and those you love?

Learn which discriminatory provisions against women and children have been amended or removed in the Old Civil Code. Enlighten yourself on your parental rights, marital rights, property rights, inheritance, your children’s rights. Understand the importance of guarding your hard-earned assets through prenuptial agreements to clarify your financial rights, protect children from prior marriages, get shielded from debt, and avoid arguments in case of divorce or separation. Guard your legacy with last wills and testaments.

Join the Women’s Business Council of the Philippines’ Learning Session on March 12, 2020 featuring top lawyer Atty. Lorna Patajo-Kapunan, as she gives a talk, entertains questions and conducts a short workshop on preparing holographic wills and prenuptial agreements.


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Lorna Kapunan Talk on Holographic Wills, Prenuptial Agreements and the New Labor Code


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