An afternoon with three women who have challenged status quo, disrupted the usual and transformed lives. The WomenbizPH, the country’s pioneer organization in policy advocacy for empowering women in business, has again inspired women in its periodic mentoring event called W2W or Women Mentoring Women held last Oct 21, 2016 at Dusit Makati Hotel.
Read MoreYesterday morning, I attended the launch of Brewing@AIM: Conversations with Thought Leaders with VP Leni Robredo as its very first guest speaker.
Read MoreSeveral studies have noted that while women-owned enterprises comprise a major part of formal small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in emerging markets, these SMEs were observed to exhibit slower growth rates than businesses owned by men. The major reason? Difficulty in securing financing for their businesses. In the 2014 report of the Apec Business Advisory Council, the recommendation was made “to identify and remove barriers to women’s participation in high-growth potential sectors to support the growth of SMEs.” Further, at the recent Apec Women and the Economy Forum hosted by the Philippines in September 2015, a recommendation was made during the High-Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) on Women and the Economy to adopt a gender lens in establishing financial support and training for businesses owned by women. Access to finance continues to remain as a major constraint faced by women entrepreneurs.
Read MoreSeveral studies have noted that while women-owned enterprises comprise a major part of formal small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in emerging markets, these SMEs were observed to exhibit slower growth rates than businesses owned by men. The major reason? Difficulty in securing financing for their businesses. In the 2014 report of the Apec Business Advisory Council, the recommendation was made “to identify and remove barriers to women’s participation in high-growth potential sectors to support the growth of SMEs.”
Read MoreMARCH being International Women’s Month, I have chosen to write about a topic that has been discussed lengthily in both international and local fora.
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