APEC Women and the Economy Forum in La Serena, Chile Oct. 1-5, 2019

The APEC Women and the Economy Forum was held in La Serena, Chile last Oct. 1-5, 2019.

Head of delegation was Philippine Commission on Women Chair Rhodora Bucoy, while WomenBizPh Chair Chiqui Escareal-Go represented the private sector (since WomenBizPh is the lead private sector partner of government specifically the Department of Trade and Industry and the Philippine Commission on Women in matters on women in business and the economy).

The government sector had representatives from the Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Interior and Local Government, Department of Foreign Affairs, Department of Agriculture and Department of Tourism.

Conversations here revolved around addressing barriers that women face in integration in the economy, promoting equal workplace opportunities through data, reducing the digital gender gap and encouraging more women in STEM, and increasing the number of women in leadership positions.

A public-private  partnership featuring the Philippine Commission on Women Chair Rhodora Bucoy, Women’s Business Council Philippines Chair Chiqui Escareal-Go and Department of Trade and Industry Regional Director Aster Caberte

The Philippine Delegation at the APEC WEF in Chile 2019

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